FDA Disclaimer
FDA Disclaimer
The products available on Vape Shipping are age-restricted and intended for use by adults of legal smoking age in their respective jurisdiction. By entering our site, you affirm that you are of legal smoking age in your area (e.g., 21 years old in the United States) and agree to abide by all applicable local and federal laws. Misrepresentation of your age to purchase products from our site is illegal and punishable by law.
Health Warning
Nicotine is an addictive chemical. Our products contain nicotine, a substance known to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Vape products should not be used by pregnant women, individuals with heart conditions, or anyone with a sensitivity to nicotine. If you experience any adverse reactions or have concerns regarding the use of nicotine products, please consult your healthcare professional.
Shipping Information
Vape Shipping is committed to ensuring that all orders are processed and shipped in compliance with all state and federal regulations. Due to these regulations, we do not ship to states or jurisdictions where vape products are prohibited or restricted. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to understand and comply with local regulations regarding the purchase and use of vape products.
Verification and Age Policy
To ensure compliance with age restrictions, Vape Shipping employs stringent age verification processes. Customers must provide valid identification upon request, and our systems may perform electronic verification to confirm age. By purchasing from our site, you agree to these verification processes and affirm that you are of legal age to purchase nicotine products.
Vape Shipping is proudly based in Indiana. All orders are processed and shipped from our Indiana location, ensuring prompt and efficient delivery to our valued customers.
Limitation of Liability
Vape Shipping will not be held liable for any injury, loss, or damage resulting from improper use of vape products. Customers are encouraged to read all product instructions and warnings thoroughly and to use products responsibly.
Contact Information
For any questions or concerns regarding our products, shipping policies, or health warnings, please contact us:
- By email:Â vapeshippingus01@gmail.com
- By visiting the contact page on our website.